Saturday, July 3, 2010


Integrity is the name of the game. And it doesn't matter what you are playing.

Today I was witness to three instances of other people's integrity being tested. All three failed. All three where pathetic wastes of a wonderful opportunity to be respected and favored. Potential bridges were burned for no reason. They were blinded by selfishness and didn't even see the potential of the situation as they trampled it.

If integrity is not your reaction, what have you got? A trail of irritated people who wont forget how you have treated them.

On the other side of the coin, there are those who are finding forgiveness difficult. So difficult in fact, that they may be sitting up late at night, blogging about it. I assume those at fault are sleeping contentedly in their beds, while their reputation smolders in the minds of the wronged.

I wonder who's struggle is more difficult. The person who is put to the test or the person wronged, who must now forgive?

I personally find the later to be the most difficult. Forgiving someone who doesn't deserve it is really hard for me. I dwell on things. I have to. I really mull things over before I get to forgiveness. I always end up amazed at the Lord's example of grace, since I fall so short in that area.

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